Marketing and advertising - Difference

We've been always curious about Marketing and Advertising, In a while everyone out there have confusion in between marketing and advertising.
We'll elaborate here how they're different from each other, 

Advertising  📰

Advertising is a Segment' where we promote our products and services through various available platforms for easy - print media, digital media , pamphlets, sponsorships.
In various situations advertising can be a part of marketing.

Advertising vs marketing billionaire world love

We'll learn ?

How ❔

Advertising is not a necessity, it's a tool to grab attention over products and services we offer to our buyers these can be wholesale and retail customers.
Marketing clues us where to advertise and whom to target.

Marketing  🛒🧠

In simple terms marketing is a process, it's an art with science, Marketing is a group of action we perform to achieve the goal set for our offerings to the set of customers.

Marketing vs advertising billionaire world love

We can add some tools here to understand how does a marketing work and what does it includes, and how it actually looks different from our traditional learning.

Research  👩‍🔬

A business should work on research for better understanding of market, in marketing we research about potential opportunities for our products.
Research can include some of the following points, 
Quality of products,
Nature of products and services we offer,
Requirment of products for targeted customers,
Availability of competition,
Identify the blank spot ,
Types of production,
Selection of Market,
Quantity of products and services required for,
Advertising placement,
In research we can drive through multiple options as per requirement.

Application  📝

We can collect good enough information through our research , after receiving this information we can proceed for our application process, in this process of marketing we create a product/service suitable for our target customers, 

Target  🎯

In marketing we target our potential opportunities, in research we learn about the patterns of customers for their choices over available products and services , this helps us to make our products future proof by learning customers retention to changes they seeing in current market.

Customers targeting billionaire world love

For example - a Store keeper James Have almost each grocery item in His store , and he sales vegitables too , his store is in a residential area, his business is all based on these factors, a lady customer ipshita visit daily to his store for fullfill ment of her and her family's daily essential needs. James knows about her patterns of buying and he keep things updated each day , adding a choice to her purchasing will lead James to grab her trust, adding this trust will come up with longer customer relationship with store, will add constant profit , now James knows his offerings should be future proof, for this he adds products which specifies the requirements of customers like he knows about customers with baby will look for baby products, same with they'll look for man's products for their man's and while they are looking for those will also look for their own too, James have done Alot of marketing in this full scenerio.
Basically James have managed all this by art of curation and science here is to read and fullfill the requirements on time.

Marketing and advertising the difference

Marketing is a process of Timeline while advertising is a part of this timeline,
Marketing is not a visual experiences while advertising is
Marketing is not only a promotional activity but advertising is

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Marketing is all the way different from advertising placement it offers tons of learning including advertising, 
