Google keep - Benefits to business

Adding Google keep can bring a handsome change in your business, Have questions,
Let's see How.

Benefits To business Google keep notes

Google keep benefits To business

We all know How much we need Notes in our daily ventures, 
Note taking process is easy in today's time
But tracking them can be a hactic process too.

We all use Google services in our daily life and in our business, this really helps us alot by giving us the access to the web in secure medium.

What is Google keep notes

Google keep is a Note taking service from Google 

Google keep helps us in taking notes on the go.
Adding notes in Google keep is as easy as writting on a piece of paper, we can use Google keep notes as a reminder service too for easy reminder of task assigned with our notes .
All these features including notes and reminder of task assigned with notes get sync with Google by Gmail. 

Google keep notes adding options

Features that helps in business

Google keep takes minimal space in your Phone,
Notes in Google keep can be tracked in any device logged in to your Gmail Account.

We can resume any notes any time without any time taking process, 
Creating to-do list is easy , 
Notes in Google keep can be accessed by labels, we can add multiple labels to each note .

Google keep label 🏷️

Working in hactic environment

Adding labels to a note can help us to find notes attached with it. 

We can customise label 🏷️ in Google keep by adding color values to them .

.Colour labels - Adding colour labels helps us to track our desired notes, these notes helps us to write down business to-do list and messages to team. 
. Reminder - adding reminder to these notes in Google keep save our time by sending alerts to device we're using. 
. Google integration - Google services users can use integrated connection with each service from Google this makes easier to access each service in any device any where just by logging in your business Gmail ID.

We can save photos Texts and to-do list.

The one feature I liked the most and helps me in my busy time alot, 
I always use Google keep to make notes for my to-do list,for reminding me tasks I've assigned for particular time .
we can save keep notes just by walking out of it. 
We can save any note without saving it manually in Google keep and can continue it in any device we're logged in.

Surendra vyas human resources 
