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Showing posts with the label web apps and wallet services

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Web apps benefit to creators with a billion dollar market

What is web apps ?  A formal introduction to web apps. A web app is based on  remote web server made on web application programming to serve over the internet on web browser and compatible app's sub category . here acts like a app but it's a web app and can be accessed in other platforms to. Vision over web apps program Web Apps are the new location to serve a huge audience and customer base ,  This huge customer base have created a suitable compitition to serve them more information about their needs. Regular Apps on device and operating software takes space to run it smoothly. Vision over development of web apps in industry have more active ways to serve  A billion dollar market 💹 just reaching by customer or audience on www (world wide web)  As per reports over a survey web apps perform more efficiently and works with minimum system requirements and does not require any certain os to run , Web apps runs on web browser and apps tha...